“My Weary Wheels Need a Rest”

LightbulbAfter an outing that included a hike up a hill, my brother’s grandson, David, remarked to my sister-in-law “Grandma, my weary wheels need a rest!”.

These words from a not quite three-year old. Wisdom indeed!

It’s how I feel. My weary wheels need a rest. Sickness has crowded out our energy and sucked up the fresh smell of pine and cinnamon. Tiredness and uncertainty have camped out in our living space. We can’t keep up with tea and Tylenol.

Snow came last night and so the world outside is a white wonderland. And we’re giving ourselves permission to just ‘be’.

In a society that judges worth by occupation and productivity, letting our weary wheels rest isn’t easy. Sometimes it takes a fever to knock us down, force us to our  couches, our knees…and to our moms.

And it was my mom that reminded me of Isaiah 40. The title says it all “Comfort for God’s People.” The words are a comfort for weary wheels.

Today, if your weary wheels need a rest, sit down, put your feet up and read Isaiah 40. 

Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

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9 thoughts on ““My Weary Wheels Need a Rest”

  1. That place of just being is the absolute best place to be in. Thinking of you Marilyn as you rest your weary wheels. How powerful are those verses! So incredibly comforting when we rest in him. Thank you for the reminder. Although I’m not battling sickness, today I have struggled with frustration – frustration that the kids can’t or won’t keep anything clean, tidy or unbroken, frustration that they won’t go to sleep at night, frustration with computers and uploads, and well.. it goes on. You’ve reminded me that even in these struggles I need to rest in him. Lots of love and blessings, Sx


    1. Sophie – I know that frustration! That as quickly as something is done, it ends up undone…hardest thing for me to do at times is rest. Thinking of you in your rest as you think of me in mine!


  2. Oh Marilyn…I’m praying you will be retreaded! Worn out. Worn down. Rest in the Wheel Maker’s great design. Rest in the simple joy of rest. Drink tea. Watch an old movie. Dream. Release expectations. It’s the new year…for new beginnings, new grace, new adventures, new forgiveness, new courage, new life!


  3. Thinking of you all, and praying for you! The snow is so beautiful. AFter church we drove out on a country road to a museum of transportation – special for David, so obsessed with trains, he of the “weary wheels”. Everything looked picture postcard perfect – the snow covered roofs of the houses, all the branches of trees, the leafless ones as well as the evergreens weighted down with the snow -so white, so pure looking. Underneath is the dirt and grime and sleeping plants and grass, but for now all we can see is the pristine white of the snow that fell all day yesterday. I think it is a reminder of God’s grace in this pain-filled, broken, sick world. He wants, even now, not just in some future time, to permanently cover all the sorrow caused by sin and brokenness with His great love and grace. So my prayer is that your house will be covered and surrounded by His love. Rest, dear one, on His strong arms that never grow weary, and lean hard on His strength.


  4. I love this post, Marilyn! I can relate. My moment of realization came two weeks ago as I realized that I was loosing the joy of being a teacher to the grind of lesson planning, stressful situations, and full, long days. I decided I was going to take Christmas break off … for real. No emails, no phone calls, no lesson planning, no obsessing over this students’s troubles and that student’s grades. Just to BE. To let myself soak in God’s love and joy again. And it was heavenly. I feel refreshed and ready to tackle the world again!


    1. I love this Jessica – and needed to hear this. Time has stopped for us although for only a short time. Your description of losing the joy is so apt in my life. When all of life feels a drudgery, even things I love, It’s a sure sign of fatigue. Thank you for sharing your experience.


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