12 thoughts on “Oatmeal Bread on a Saturday Morning!

  1. That cookbook has a recipe for a delicious pumpkin soup that would be perfect for this time of year-and may go great with oatmeal bread!


  2. I LOVE it that you posted this after yesterday’s This Is My Body post….Jesus took bread! —Perfect timing!
    I have this cookbook too and mine might rival yours in “well-wornness!” –but I’ve never tried this particular recipe. I’m going to make some now!


    1. I love that you have it as well. So tried and true. There’s a funny story to this cookbook. We were in Karachi in Pakistan leaving the country. We had two little ones and I was pregnant with my 3rd. I didn’t know then but I would end up delivering 2 weeks later. It was late at night and we had to catch an early morning flight but knew our luggage was too heavy. My husband took the More with Less Cookbook and said “This has to go!” I was so numb I looked at him and said “No. We can’t – I have to have that cookbook.” He won and then felt so badly when we got to the U.S. that he bought it for me. It was one of those hard, terrible leaving times.


  3. Many of you asked for the bread recipe from my bread post this week. I decided a great way to get this to you was to take a picture of my 30 year old trusted More With Less cookbook. This recipe is never fail and easy. Enjoy!


    1. Oh my gosh– so good! I think what I like is how quick it goes. I make mine into round loaves because we like it that way but yeah– it’s served me well around the globe :). One caveat– I don’t put it right in the oven after the second rising–I let it sit in loaf form for 10 to 15 minutes.


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