Seven Point Four Pounds of Perfect

She’s perfect. All seven point four pounds of her

Her soft baby skin swaddled up in a light baby blanket; her perfect face peeking out, a head of dark hair covering her soft spot. Her eyes, though closed, scrunch up as though she is trying to make sense of this world she has come into. Her tiny mouth purses then her lips curl up as if in a smile. Medical experts claim they don’t really smile at this age – and mothers nod, knowing the experts are a bit text-book and theory crazy.

She’s less than 24 hours old and has ten fingers, ten toes and a perfect suck reflex. She’s as perfect as the pink rosebuds on the coffee table just beginning to open, gifts from a family friend.

As I hold her I know that I am holding a miracle. A miracle; “God’s opinion the world should go on”.*

Outside the world is raging. During the hours since her birth Syria is ravaged by internal conflict, a bomb goes off in Afghanistan, people argue ‘personhood’, and humans that at one time were new-born infants bash each other with guns, swords and words.

But inside a new-born baby is held, perfectly formed and known by a God who still believes that this world is worthy of being redeemed. She is entrusted to, and loved by, an imperfect family and friends; people who will hold her and teach her, love her and cry with her.

And as I hold her I am in awe – in awe of baby soft skin and seven point four pounds of lovely, in awe of the strength and fragility of life, in awe of my friend who gave birth within five minutes of arriving at the hospital. Mostly in awe that somehow God believes that we in our human frailty, born as helpless babes are worth redeeming.

She’s perfect, seven point four pounds of perfect.

*Carl Sandburg

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9 thoughts on “Seven Point Four Pounds of Perfect

  1. Ooooh what a dear, sweet beautiful little girl! I think my heart just melted a little… ;) Congratulations to the proud parents of this little girl! And it must be a special day – two of my closest friends just had their baby thismorning also…a darling little boy. He has dark hair, also, like this little rosebud. :)


  2. Marilyn: Just 58 years ago today, your cousin Karen was born to Uncle Russ and me as a 4th anniversary gift. She, too, was beautiful, only 6 pounds 14 ounces and with a crop of dark hair (later turning light brown) tied with a ribbon by the nursery nurse.
    Karen continues to bring pride and joy (especially through her amazing musical talent).
    Thanks for helping me celebrate my gift from God. Aunt Ruth


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