Wrapping Up the Week

Blizzard 2013 near the beginningI’m writing this while looking out at piles on piles of snow from what perhaps will be known as the famous blizzard of 2013! In the city we don’t have the luxury of pretty snow for very long, so soon does it bear the marks of the dirt and pollution of our world – but right this moment it’s a white wonderland. As though God took out a paintbrush and painted white across our canvas. Or as though we are in the movie Dr. Zhivago and Omar Sharif is inviting us into the ice palace.

But on to the wrapping up the week.

On Malala Yusufzai: This now well-known Pakistani teenager, Malala, is released from the hospital. Her story is amazing and I look forward to watching how she continues to change her (and our) world. Here is an update on her story.

On Abuse: I wrote a post this week called Out of Darkness, Into Light. I received many private messages and it was shared a good bit through various means of social media. I wrote it with fear and trembling, but more so a prayer that it could be used in some small way to bring healing and hope. Here is a comment from a reader posted on the Communicating Across Boundaries Facebook page.

“I think like all circumstances, the healing is an ongoing process. There are still some people I never want to see again, and some people I have yet to be able to forgive. Perhaps the greatest blessing is that I’ve stopped telling myself I *should* forgive, and just accept that I’m still hurt and angry. If and when all of it heals enough so that I can forgive, I will be grateful.”

Thank you Vivian Monterrosso for these words and for allowing me to share them. If you want to take a look at the Facebook page, here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/CommunicatingAcrossBoundariesBlog.

On Women: I haven’t announced this in the blog until now, but last year I had an essay accepted to a book project called What a Woman is Worth. The editor is a gifted writer named Tamara Lunardo. She is in the final editing process at this point so stay tuned for the release of what is sure to be a redemptive set of essays looking at the worth of women in the sight of God. Tamara wrote a beautiful and personal essay on her blog this week called Taking Back Buffet. Reading it will give you a preview into the pain and redemption of this project.

On my beside table: Can we maybe just not talk about how little I’ve been able to read of the books that I want to read?! I did read the first part of the essay Notes From the Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky to the delight of my son! I’m still processing this in between shoveling, laundry, and eating homemade bread.

And finally, the view from my window! Enjoy and lend a virtual hand to us as we try and shovel our way out of the snow cave.

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6 thoughts on “Wrapping Up the Week

  1. I truly understand that because of deep hurt it feels impossible to forgive until there is a measure of healing. I think we often misunderstand what forgiveness is. I like to think of it as the choice I make in order to allow true healing to begin.


  2. I will happily lend a virtual hand…from sunny Florida! But I remember our shoveling days at Eight-Acre Woods. I really loved the challenge and how great I felt getting out into the cold after a snow storm. But I was 65 then, not 84 as I am now so I’m glad not to have to do it. It’s beautiful here, but we miss home.


  3. Marilyn, Is something wrong with your blog site? My virus protection is telling me this is a dangerous site when I click to read….never have had that problem before. I tried entering the address from google – same results – I am blocked by my virus protection. Christine



    1. Hey Chris – no nothing wrong. A couple other people told me that a while ago and I checked with the software developer who said all was fine. If you override the danger message and just click on it your computer will be safe. So sorry.


  4. Lending a “virtual hand” is really quite easy…and so well meaning! :)
    Congratulations on your essay! You are remarkable, Marilyn Gardner! Happy shoveling!
    PS: You might take inspiration from The Shoveler in the ever favourite movie, Mystery Men. “It’s what I do. I shovel!”


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