Making Room for Fancy

The day you were born, the World had to make room for a little more Fancy.*

Dear Stef

Happy 21st Birthday! I can picture the day of your birth like it was yesterday. We were living in Cairo and you were joining an already established family of five – a Dad, a Mom, an Annie, a Joel, and a Micah. I went to bed the night before after laughing myself silly while watching a movie. At four in the morning I woke up and I couldn’t ignore the labor pains anymore. I knew you were coming.

Aunt Terry was there to care for your sleeping siblings so dad and I left in our little red Zastava car. It was the smallest car on ever earth and we still think it was our favorite. We picked up Mary Marlowe on the way to the hospital, my support and labor nurse. Better still, she was my close friend and mother of your first crush.

A short forty-five minutes after we arrived at Nile Badrawi hospital, just off the corniche and steps from the Nile River, you made your appearance into the world. A small bundle of Fancy. Perfect. Tiny. 17 inches. 6 lbs 14oz. Ten Fingers. Ten Toes. (Yes – we counted)

We named you Stefanie Sevim – Sevim means ‘my love’ in Turkish. It fit you like the booties on your baby feet. Perfect.

You were foo-foo dresses and tiaras, red lips and smiles. You were cherished by your siblings and made your sister so happy – you were her real, live, flesh and blood doll. You loved the world and the world loved you back.

FancyAnd yes, the world had to make room for a little more Fancy.

Because Fancy you were. Whether it was about dressing dolls or picking out earrings, you had style and flair.

And today you turn 21.

You are an amazing four-foot eleven wonder. You make the world smile, and your friends and family laugh until it hurts. You are a leader with a strong mind and a quick tongue. And you’re still Fancy. So.Amazingly.Fancy.

So here’s what I want to say on your 21st birthday- and because I blog I’m letting the world in on it. Don’t let our fickle culture tell you who you are – because just as you become what they want, they will have changed their minds. Don’t bow to what others think is best, instead reach higher.  Don’t look across at others, look up to your Creator. You come from a strong line of women, you know who real women are and what they do – don’t settle for less. You have tasted Grace, extend Grace to others.

Most of all know that the love of God is all-encompassing, Greater than you will ever imagine. Loving him, seeking him, serving him will not disappoint. You can never out-love God.

And keep on being Fancy. Because this world that sometimes feels ugly and hurting needs to keep on making room for a little more Fancy.

I love you. Happy 21st Birthday!

Love, Mom

*Curly Girl Designs

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14 thoughts on “Making Room for Fancy

  1. Adding my birthday greetings to Stephanie! You have a way with words, Marilyn, and I LOVE your paragraph of advice/exhortation. What an example of strong, Godly women she has to follow!


  2. Happy Birthday Stef! And we learned about your arrival via a garbled phone message,we got in Pakistan. We thought for a week that you were Bethany! But Stefanie you are,thank you for the fancy you added to our family as the youngest granddaughter. Love you so so so much!
    Don’t be too envious = we just arrived in Florida and it is so lovely and warm. I am so looking forward to a whole month of this weather.


    1. We still laugh about Bethany getting all the blessings! But you then got it right and heaped even more love and blessing on her life! Wish I was with you in warm Florida!


  3. Happy Birthday, Stef!!! Every family and every place, I think, is more colorful, lovely and much more interesting with ‘Fancy’ a part of life. Being the mom of another “Fancy” child, I share your mom’s delight! So thanks for being who you are and gracing every place you are with your own brand of Fancy!


  4. “And keep on being Fancy. Because this world that sometimes feels ugly and hurting needs to keep on making room for a little more Fancy.” Love it. We are all blessed to have her in this world!!


    1. Love this comment! And thank you! She does brighten up the world. So good to hear from you today! I see we both love the How to Speak Evangelical blog! Love her writing.


    2. Agreed- that is my favorite line in your whole piece Marilyn. You are gifted with words, and I feel privileged to be part of your and Stefanie’s and the whole Gardner clan’s world. Fancy is truly lovey with Stefanie- I have plenty of memories with Stef in a beautiful dress and Nate being the sword carrying hero! Happy 21st birthday Stefanie and happy memories to you Marilyn for raising such great people


      1. Oh Mary- I’m so happy you read this and commented. What would I have done without your care and support– not only then but through the pregnancy with Jonathan and so much more. I miss you and feel its time for a long chat and visit!


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