Freshly Pressed

The WordPress community daily highlights 12 to 16 blog posts from around the world that tell an interesting story or give a fresh point of view. Communicating Across Boundaries has been selected four times in its three year history to be Freshly Pressed.  I am grateful for this honor. I am humbly aware that  there are better writers and blogs available, but it is an honor as well as an encouragement to me to continue writing daily. However you came across this blog, whether through Freshly Pressed, Facebook, Twitter, or as a friend, relative or friend of a friend, I am grateful to you for reading and would love to hear your story through comments or emails.

I have linked the posts that have been published on Freshly Pressed below.

In early 2012 a Freshly Pressed Post came from our Christmas trip to Egypt. Heading to Tahrir Square a day after we arrived was amazing. We had anxiously anticipated going back to what was the focal point of the 18 days of the Egyptian Uprising. Enroute we were amazed by the graffiti. The result was a blog post called:

Tahrir Square – Walls and Graffiti

This post was Freshly Pressed on January 3rd. I was grateful for the exposure as it is an area that has not had much press.

The first piece that received the honor highlighted the Arab Spring though the eyes of my daughter who was on site. I wrote the post on February 1st after speaking with my daughter who is in graduate school at The American University in Cairo.

Update from Cairo: March of a Million

The second was written right after WordPress developed “distraction free writing mode”, a wonderful tool to help keep me focused. The post was about the myriad of books on our coffee table. It was posted on May 27, 2011

Dull Women Have Immaculate Coffee Tables

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10 thoughts on “Freshly Pressed

  1. Welldone. I’m looking for freshly pressed blogs to follow. Stumbled on yours. Hope you follow mine too . Palaxy03.wordpress.


  2. Marilyn, this affirmation is well-earned. Inviting your readers to go beyond boundaries of thought and experience, you bring inspiration, challenge, and fresh perspective to the many and varied topics you have chosen. Thank you.


  3. Congratulations on getting FP for the third time! Clearly, your blog has a value that goes beyond getting Freshly Pressed. Your blog is a mix of faith, culture, values and travelling through your very personal way of looking at the world. Impressive.


    1. I cannot thank you enough for the most lovely comment I think I have ever received. I began blogging a year ago without a clue and there are so many times when I think “Why on earth am I doing this? I have nothing worthwhile to say.” And then I get a comment like this and I am so grateful for the encouragement – Thank you.


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