4 thoughts on “Learning to Tell our Stories

  1. Goodness, my story. It has been a long process in learning to ‘read’ my story and being willing and vulnerable to tell my story. I think the hardest part has been to realize and believe that my story has value as do I. Shame does terrible things to your mind and your heart. And Satan really knows how to use it to keep us silent. So many times we tell our stories in order to receive understanding or comfort. While this isn’t bad, what happens when we don’t receive what we are looking for? It drives us deeper into shame.
    We don’t understand how Christ took our shame on him so that we might not ever feel it again (of course there is legitimate shame but this is more guilt than shame). We can stand tall and humbly tell our stories because we have already received the comfort and the understanding from our heavenly Father. We trust that what he says about us is true, no matter what anyone else may say.
    For me, the hardest is sharing our story with family. So many times, we are looking to them for the acceptance we have looked for from them all our lives. Or they have contributed to our shame and they can have a ‘knee jerk’ reaction and be defensive. It’s especially hard after so many years overseas (almost 19 for us). We have been changed and it is so hard for them to even see it let alone enter into it.
    As to the ‘how’ of telling my story? One person at a time. Humbly. Knowing it’s all the Father’s love and acceptance that makes it possible. And trusting him to use it in His unimaginable way. And he does!! It’s amazing how our vulnerability and transparency opens the door to really connecting and being able to encourage others who are walking the journey too. So much of the time we’re trying to hold the mask up so others won’t see our brokenness. Our vulnerability and authenticity – our willingness to walk around ‘open faced’ opens the door – not always but so many times – to them finding freedom to do the same and walk in the power of Father’s love.
    We ‘entrust our selves to him who judges justly’ and this brings incredible freedom in our stories.


    1. I love this comment. I don’t have the time to respond like I would like to right now but there is so much wisdom here. I would love for it to go to a wider audience – perhaps quote it in a blog post? Thank you for your thoughtfulness and willingness to share!


      1. However you’d like to use it is fine with me. Whatever wisdom I have has been hard won and so am glad that anyone anywhere can be encouraged by it. :-)


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