“But Grace Entered the Space Between”

On my walk from the subway to home I pass by some lovely (and some not so lovely) houses. A Victorian mansion with white picket fence on one side, a worn brick apartment building on the other — such is the property in a city. Last week as I walked this well-worn route I stopped in happy wonder to look at roses that were growing around and through a rusty, chain-link fence.

Coral-yellow petals with drops of rain peeked through the chain-links. The roses were like grace entering the space between. And I remembered in a recent article I wrote for another blog I used those same words:

“But Grace entered the space between…”

The phrase is on repeat in my mind.

Because those words have become powerful words in my life. I desperately need grace for the space between.

The space between blood test or biopsy and diagnosis; between engagement and marriage; between car accident and car repair; between angry words and reconciliation; between starting our studies and graduating with a diploma; between interview and job offer (or not); between making a decision and seeing the outcome; between marriage crisis and marriage repair; between pregnancy and delivery; between birth of the baby and graduation from high school; between arrival at a new place and feeling settled.

This Grace between is waiting grace.

Much of life is lived in the space between. When Grace enters that space I don’t have to worry about the outcome of the blood test, or the biopsy, or the car, or the degree, or the marriage. I rest in Grace. I recognize the things that are beyond my control, and the things that I’m being asked to address. Grace between is never static, always moving, always working.

I just don’t always see it, feel it.

Between the blood spattered cross and the empty tomb there lives glorious Grace. When all of life stands still, Grace continues to work.

So let there forever be Grace that enters the space between; Grace that gathers in, builds up, and gives away.


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13 thoughts on ““But Grace Entered the Space Between”

  1. This is a PS to my comment. God’s grace is amazingly enough for the huge crises and the mundane, everyday irritations, isn’t it.


    1. Marilyn’s Mom…you are so right…I always seem to have no trouble finding His grace in the huge crisis..it’s the mundane, everyday irritations where I struggle to find (and GIVE) grace…


      1. I echo this. Grace for the mundane is grace for the space between. So much of life is lived in the mundane. I have to think Jesus knows all about this. I wonder how much his humanity cried out to start his ministry earlier than at 30 years. So many years in the unknown, mundane. Only 3 in the spotlight….! And what a spotlight it was.


  2. I needed this today, especially your reference to cars and their problems. Our new-used PT Cruiser that we were really beginning to like (I don’t fall in love with cars -they are just a necessity) is back to the dealership for things they should have done before they ever put it out for sale. Dad is there, and I am waiting…and much in need of grace. Thank you!
    I feel a bit guilty even writing this about something as mundane as a car when I think what your cousin Barb is facing.


    1. I just went to that post. How did I miss it? It is one of the most beautiful pieces I’ve read recently. I’m going to link it up with this article. But yes – we live in the holes and spaces. Thank you. Thank you.


  3. I needed this post today!! As my husband and I pack up our family home of 33 years, a home filled with life, memories and grace—abudndant grace—we are squarely now in a space between. And I have been forgetting that there is grace in this space too. This space feels uncomfortable, uncertain, sad, as our adult children speak of the deep loss they all feel at saying good-by to the home that means so much to them. I’ve wished over the past weeks that we hadn’t given them such roots in one place, wished as I have before that they had grown up with more experiences of other places in the world, and then maybe this wouldn’t hurt so much now. But then, I really would NOT wish away the life we built, and I thank our good house for the shelter it gave us. So thank you, Marilyn, for this needed reminder that there is indeed grace in this space between, Abundant grace. And thank you for the roses!


    1. Oh – I love that you shared this. I hurt with you. And you know what – even if you’d raised them in other spaces, this would still hurt. Huge grieving came over me when we left that track home in Phoenix. Praying for grace for you and your whole family.


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