And God…

It’s November 7, 2012 and I’m tired. So.Tired. I stayed up too late and my body has that sluggish, dry mouthed feel of exhaustion.

And God is still God.

We are poised for a Nor’easter, which means a big storm with lots of wind and rain. There is no sunshine and clouds are building as I write this.

And God is still God.

The world has watched the election results – giving America far more attention then we deserve. Half of my friends are ecstatic — the world will not end for women as they feared. They feel safe. So safe and so powerful. The other half are deeply troubled, they feel assaulted and are looking for comfort.

And God is still God.

I pass Mary with the Boston Herald as I do every morning – she’s ready for rain with her army green windbreaker and her ready smile. I pass Jeff in his usual spot outside Dunkin’ Donuts just off the T entrance – he’s still homeless like he was yesterday.

And God is still God.

The United States is still a country divided and this is reflected in everything we do. And Dengue Fever is endemic in India where mosquitoes breed without check beside stagnant pools of water; and mortar is exploding in Damascus; Greece is still in an economic crisis; a bomb went off at a base in Iraq. And some of my friends still think that the President of the United States is a saviour of sorts; others continue to see him as a relative of the Antichrist — because we’re all stubborn like that and it takes so much to change our minds. Even more to change our hearts.

And God is still God.

New York Times Headlines - Middle EastAnd though I have penned over two hundred words that speak of tiredness, division, disease, and seeming gloom there are a million more words I can write about God and his sovereignty and majesty; of his love, his grace, his mercy, his kindness. A million more I could pen of the mystery that is salvation — God become
man to enter into the New York Times headlines, headlines that speak to a world in need, a world divided.

And today God is still God and, in the words of a song I just discovered, there are still 10,000 reasons to bless him, to praise him, to love him.

Because God is still God.

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22 thoughts on “And God…

    1. Ariana – I’ve found myself saying the same thing about Facebook and begging for the discipline to ignore or not go on. Thank you for these kind words. And So excited that your blog is one of the top expat blogs! You go girl!


  1. You are so eloquent. Thank you so much for this. I hope this can bring much needed healing and reconciliation.

    I posted something similar on Facebook today. My one and only political post for the whole campaign and election season. To paraphrase Romans 13:1-2: God is in control and all authority is put in place by Him. I am comforted that no matter who sits at helm of the nation, I know who sits on the throne in Heaven. And He is in charge.


  2. Thank you for your words this morning, Marilyn. They were a balm to my own tired soul. I’ve been calmed and blessed as I’ve listened to the song several times already. I know this song but today it’s speaking to my heart in fresh ways.


    1. And now it’s my turn to thank you for your words. I only learned of the song through Kathleen Mitchell’s words at her son’s funeral recently. Balms to our tired souls are gifts. Thanks Patty.


  3. I often wake to this wonderful song of praise in my head. Thanks for sharing. Thank you for your words. May you stay safe and warm through the storm. Praying for those who are in the midst of devastation from Sandy and now fearing the flooding this may bring. Now we have another opportunity to serve our fellow man and help lift them up.


    1. I just discovered the song and can’t stop playing it. But how I discovered it is another story – An old friend of mine lost her 19 year old son in an accident. Months before she had picked that song as her year song along with One Thousand Gifts as her book…and that’s how I found the song…..


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